Episode 3:

Ethics in Research

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Ethics in Research 

This month's discussion centers around some of the important historical events in the science community, and how they have led to certain ethical considerations and governing boards. Ethical considerations and the various governing boards serve to protect scientists, participants (human, animal, and otherwise), and the broader community. It is important to learn from our history when thinking about how we can best use science to help the world around us. Join us as we discuss the rich science history, different ethical dilemmas that have shown up, and how we are learning as graduate students to take this all into consideration every day.  For science news this month, Odalis will share some interesting thoughts on how the new proposed changes to Daylight Savings and how this could affect Americans' sleep patterns. Rachel, joined in conversation by Emily and Alex, will then share some thoughts and tips on maintaining work/life balance while in graduate school. 

Important sources this month: 

Ethics historical timeline 

What is an IRB?

What is IACUC?

Animal Welfare Act

The Nuremberg Code

The Belmont Report

A moment from a scientist

Rachel discusses the importance of,  and tips to maintain, work/life balance in graduate school. 

Next episode

In our next episode, Odalis leads a discussion on experiences in graduate school as an ethnic minority. 

Hosts this month

Emily Hackerson, Odalis Garcia, Rachel Delaney, Emily Johnson, and Alex Knopps